Trick or Treating Tips

Oct 30, 2020

We all can agree that 2020 hasn’t been as picture-perfect as we originally envisioned it. As the holidays approach, it’ll be important to have a game-plan ready for how you’ll safely celebrate. First up is Halloween. Don’t let those trick-or-treaters go empty handed, just make sure they’re protected with these tips.

Give Out Pre-Packaged Candy

2020 is not the year for homemade caramels or popcorn balls. Whether you’re the fun house with the full-size candy bars or go for the more economical route of fun-size candy, stick to pre-packaged candy this Halloween.

Make Candy Goodie Bags

The bowl full of candy on the porch may be easier and faster, but it can also be a way for germs to easily spread from one child to another. To get around this, consider grabbing some cellophane bags and putting a few pieces of candy inside so each trick-or-treater can grab a bag instead of touching every piece of candy in the bowl.

Sanitize Your Doorbell / Door Knocker Frequently

You probably never think of sanitizing your doorbell or knocker when you’re cleaning, but when Halloween comes around it will be a prime place for germs to live. Make sure to take a few breaks during prime trick-or-treating hours to sanitize your doorbell to keep little hands germ free.

Mask Up

2020 – the year of the mask. Make sure to mask up Halloween night so if you do choose to answer the knocks of trick-or-treaters, you’re protecting yourself and those you come into contact with later. Bonus points will be given to those who can coordinate their mask with their costume!

Have a safe and fun Halloween!