3 Tips for Budgeting for Your Next Move

Sep 08, 2021

When you think of the word “moving”, does stress quickly come to mind? We get it, moving can be stressful! It’s also simply a part of life for many, whether it includes moving across town to a new home or across state lines. If you’re preparing for a second, third or even fourth move, check out our tips for budgeting for this big life event below.

Research the Cost of Living

Even if you’re just moving across town, it’s helpful to take note of the cost of living in your new area prior to signing those closing documents. Look at restaurants, grocery stores, pet care offices and even gas prices to get a gauge on how your cost of living may increase or decrease upon moving. This tip is especially important if you’re moving cities or states.

Budget for the Actual Move

The actual day-of move can feel more daunting than all the prep work that goes into moving, sometimes! For a worry-free move, check out our tips here. For budgeting, especially make sure to factor in the cost of movers, new furniture or even temporary storage that may come with your home move.

Have an Emergency Fund

An emergency fund is a wise thing to have at any point in life, but when it comes to moving, you never know what could happen. Unforeseen expenses or repairs could come your way right after your move, so make sure to be prepared for anything.

For more helpful tips when transitioning from one home to the next, reach out to your local InterLinc branch today.