loan officer

Don Marlin

Loan Originator

NMLS #: 2061198

11822 Ransum Dr.
Ste. 201
Louisville, KY 40243

502-648-6596 - c

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Whether you are buying a home for the first time, purchasing an investment property, looking to renovate, or refinancing your home loan, our commitment to you is to leverage our experience to navigate the complicated marketplace and find the highest quality home loan that fits your unique situation and needs. Our team is not only dedicated to finding the right loan for you, but we will also ensure you are getting some of the lowest mortgage rates available. We pride ourselves on the collaborative relationships we build, and through every branch of our lending family, you will experience exceptional quality from start to finish.

loan officer

Bob A. Schmuckie

Licensed Loan Partner

NMLS #: 21303
502-618-8449 - p

loan officer

Amanda Wathen

Licensed Loan Partner

NMLS #: 434712
502-649-8821 - p

Louisville, KY.

Branch NMLS #: 1106280

11822 Ransum Dr.
Ste. 201
Louisville, KY 40243

502-648-6596 - c