Home Upgrades To Do in the Fall and Winter

Nov 20, 2020

You may think spring is the best time to get cracking on home projects, but the cooler weather of the fall and early winter makes those pesky projects you’ve been putting off a little easier. Here are a few projects to consider.

Fertilize Your Yard

Ensure your yard stays it tip-top shape this winter by fertilizing it in late fall. You don’t want to wake up to a dead yard in the spring, so make sure your grass and trees are nourished and taken care of before the first cold snap of winter.

Paint Interior and Exterior

Take advantage of the cooler fall weather and apply a fresh coat of paint outside and inside. If painting outside, make sure to properly prep by pressure washing. If painting inside, make sure you cover furniture well and have a plan in place for letting some of the paint fumes dissipate.

Switch the Direction of Your Fan Blades

Did you know that you should change the direction your ceiling fan blades spin from summer to winter? According to Del Mar Fans & Lighting, your fan blades should spin counterclockwise in the summer months to push cool air down and clockwise in the winter months to pull cool air up.

Install a Smart Thermostat

Smart devices have increased in popularity these past few years, and smart thermostats are at the top of that list. Many people waste money on air conditioning or heat when neither is needed during the day when no one is home or at night when everyone is asleep. Smart thermostats allow you to set specific time intervals for your heating and cooling to run, giving you more control and more money in your pocket each month!

Clean out Your Chimney

If you have a working fireplace, you’re probably thinking about using it soon when the weather gets cool enough. Before starting that first fire of the season, make sure to hire a chimney sweep to clean your chimney or do it yourself. It’s extremely important to make sure smoke is able to escape through your chimney before starting a fire in your fireplace.

Clean Your Gutters

When those final leaves fall, your gutters will probably need to be cleaned out. A good time to remember to do this is when you’re raking your yard. Bag up leaves from your yard and leaves from your gutters and enjoy a leaf-free winter!

Paint Your Garage

When winter arrives and it becomes a little too cold to venture outside, indoor projects take center stage. If you’re wanting to add some value to your home for later down the line, consider painting your garage walls and floor with a stain and chip-resistant paint. It’s no secret that your garage sees a little wear and tear, so freshen it up with a coat or two of paint.