Helping Families Find Hope and Purpose with the InterLinc Family Foundation

Sep 28, 2022

Founded in 2012, the InterLinc Family Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity created within InterLinc Mortgage, was formed to improve the lives of families and underprivileged children in the same communities where InterLinc associates live and work. Funded by donations, the foundation supports organizations significant to InterLinc employees by partnering each charity with a financial gift and volunteer resources.

Since its inception, the foundation has had the opportunity to work with a variety of organizations across the US. This year alone, the InterLinc Family Foundation has donated to over 200,000 children for school supplies, counseling support and classroom resources, healthy meals to over 5,000 preschool children daily, food and clothing for over 20,000 homeless families, accessible doors for an after-school center built for special needs students and more.

“The InterLinc Family Foundation is a cherished part of our organization and beloved by our employees. Without our employees and their charitable involvement in their communities, the InterLinc Family Foundation wouldn’t exist,” said President & CEO of InterLinc Mortgage and InterLinc Family Foundation Board Member, Gene Thompson.

In 2022, the InterLinc Family Foundation formed a committee of employees to assist in planning volunteer opportunities and getting the word out about the foundation’s endeavors. Throughout the remainder of the year, the committee plans to partner with several organizations, one of which is a Houston-based nonprofit, Houston Welcomes Refugees, whose mission is to help ease the resettlement process for newly arrived refugees through mobilizing caring and invested volunteers, fostering hope amidst crisis. InterLinc employees will help supply 20 families with bathroom and kitchen supplies for their new apartments when first relocating to Houston. In addition, employees will have a chance to write encouraging notes and greetings to share with these refugee families and hear more about the incredible work being done by Houston Welcomes Refugees.

“We’re thrilled to be partnering with InterLinc to pack welcome kits to help refugee families feel more at home once arriving in Houston. Starting a new life anywhere is hard, but especially for refugee families experiencing culture shock in a brand-new country and city. InterLinc is making an invaluable difference in the lives of these families and is truly showing compassion and honor to those that are often overlooked,” said a spokesperson from Houston Welcomes Refugees.

Through this event and more, the InterLinc Family Foundation is making a lasting difference across the country. As they look toward the future, they hope to grow the foundation's network of partner organizations and be able to provide lasting hope to those who need it most.